
Pilot launches to develop NHS Login services

NHS Digital has launched a pilot to support partner services connect and use NHS login.

The pilot process is taking place with 5 selected organisations and they will help NHS Digital ensure that NHS login can support future demand and enable a simple, single and consistent way for individuals to prove who they are and access digital health and care services.

The five selected partners are:

  • Tiny Medical Apps – a small organisation whose Digital Health Passport is a new NHS-funded app for teenagers to manage long-term conditions like asthma
  • eConsult – an online consultation tool used by 600 GP practices across 72 CCGs to deliver better, more efficient care to nearly 6 million patients.
  • Helm –a person held record being developed in Leeds which enables people to contribute to their own health and care record.  Engagement with users will determine the breadth of data that Helm contains but this will include GP, hospital, community, social care and voluntary sector information.
  • Audit and Transparency Summary Care Record – an NHS Digital programme giving people access to and audit of their Summary Care Records
  • Digital Child Health – an NHS programme, working with Sitekit eRedbook, to enable a new digital version of the paper Personal Child Health Record (PCHR) – known as the Digital Redbook. It will allow parents and carers to view and access the care record of childhood immunisations, screening and health check information.

NHS login has already been successfully tested with 3,400 patients across England as part of the NHS App pilot, and is being used in the NHS App as it rolls out across the country.”

Ian Phoenix, Director of Citizen Health Technology at NHS Digital said: “We are pleased to announce this latest stage for NHS login and are grateful for the input from our early partners which will no doubt help to improve the service for everyone. A single NHS login will make it easier for people to use health and care websites and apps and lower the burden on the NHS by taking this task away from care workers on the front line.”

“NHS login will make it easier and quicker for patients and the public to see their personal health information online which will empower people to manage their health more effectively.”

Simon Eccles, Chief Clinical Information Officer for Health and Care, said: “As set out in the Long Term Plan, the NHS login has great potential to provide a single easy, safe and secure way for patients to access digital services.”

“This pilot is an exciting development to ensure external partners can connect to NHS login, once that’s possible the login will be a catalyst to enable patients to take greater control of their own health and make greater use of digital tools.”