Feature Content
Case Study: Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS FT Command Centre
2 days agoLike many organisations across the NHS, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BTHFT) has faced pressures on its emergency department, constraints on bed capacity and patient flow, and challenges with its non-elective care pathway. Without clear insights about patient and ward circumstances during the admissions and transfer processes, patients weren’t […]
Insight, News
Northern Care Alliance’s digital strategy for 2024-2030: in focus
6 days agoNorthern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust (NCA) has published its first digital strategy, setting out plans up to 2030 for the future of digital within the organisation in areas in areas including self-care, remote monitoring and access to records, designed to help NCA “keep up with the ever-changing needs of […]
EPRs: contracts, market analysis, go-lives, insights from digital leaders, usability and system alerts…
1 week agoFollowing on from the latest addition to our feature series exploring electronic patient records and how to add value – an exploration of the current and future value of EPR solutions, available to read here – we’re taking a look at recent news, views and research in this area. Firstly, we […]
Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals outline aims around digital and data in operational and improvement strategies
1 week agoDoncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals (DBTH) NHS Foundation Trust has published its operational plan for 2024/25 and quality improvement and innovation strategy for 2024 to 2028, outlining aims and ambitions around digital, innovation, and use of data. According to the operational plan, key areas of focus include ensuring best use […]
News, Now
Panel discussion: patient engagement, patient-centred solutions, and managing patient expectations around digital
2 weeks agoFor a recent HTN Now panel discussion on the topic of patient engagement, we were joined by a panel of experts to talk about current priorities and projects in this space, to share learnings on adopting patient-centred processes and solutions, and to highlight outcomes and challenges around engaging patients with […]