Thank you for joining us for HTN Digital Week June 2020. 

Please see below some of the recordings from the sessions in the week. 

We have recently announced our next events, and hope you can join us. For details please see our events page here.

If you have any questions please get in touch by email to 

Day One

Sherwood Forest Digital Strategy
Morgan Thanigasalam, Clinical Lead for ICT, Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS FT

6 months in health tech; a reflection of the past 3 months and what’s next
Kelvyn Hipperson, Chief Information Officer, Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust

Comparing incentives and delivery of digital primary care across California, Australia, New Zealand, Nordics; lessons for the UK’s healthcare and tech?
Dimitri Varsamis PhD, Senior Policy Lead, General Practice Strategy and Contracts, NHS England and NHS Improvement

Findings from an analysis of all EPRs deployed in the NHS and a radical view of future EPR systems
David Kwo, Digital Healthcare Specialist

Day Two

From immunisations to COVID-19, our digital health journey
City Health Care Partnership

Managing Patients Post the COVID Peak
Christopher McCann, CEO, Current Health

Day Three

Content Services for the NHS:  Delivering Positive Patient Outcomes in a Pandemic

Creating a safer care environment: a data-driven approach
Radar Healthcare

Digital literacy, digital capabilities, engagement and sharing insights 
Henrietta Mbeah-Bankas, Head of Blended Learning and Digital Literacy Workstream Lead, Health Education England

CAMHS.Digital – developing digital (mental) health platforms with children and young people
Dr Pauline Whelan; Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust & University of Manchester

Day Four

Keeping Digital Human: Lessons learned from rapid transformation during COVID
Beth Lawton, Chief Digital and Information Officer, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

COVID-19: Stories & lessons from the front lines of IT
Daniel Johnston, Clinical Workflow Specialist, Imprivata and Wes Wright, Chief Technology Officer, Imprivata

Ventilators, infusion pumps… How a single interoperability platform can connect any medical device from your ICU with any healthcare IT system or application

Scalable sharing of Covid-19 related information across local shared care records
Emlyn Jones / Fran Draper, Connecting Care Partnership – SCW CSU

DigitalHealth.London: Accelerating digi-health-tech

Day Five

An update on the digital transformation programme in the region
Paul Charnley, Director of IT and Information, Wirral University Teaching Hospital

Starting out as a new ANIO
Helen McGuire and Ainhoa Arjona, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust

From Laggard to Leader: Progressing our journey through COVID
Mark Hutchinson, Exec. Chief Digital & Information Officer, and Leah Parry, Digital Transformation Lead of Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Digital Citizen Empowerment
Saira Arif, ORCHA