
Project unveils 25 years of lifestyle changes

A new tool shows how people in England’s smoking, drinking and healthy eating habits have changed over the past 25 years, in a new, easy to understand, format.

Statistics on how many of us are overweight, obese or still lighting up cigarettes can now be compared from the early 1990s right up to the present day.

The new interactive tool, which has been developed by NatCen Social Research, will make viewing the changes in our lifestyles more accessible to more people and will mean that trends across time can be quickly spotted without the need to trawl through large tables of figures.

View the tool at:

Smoking and obesity levels in adults and children are not the only stats users will be able to get their teeth stuck into with graphs charting fruit, veg and alcohol consumption, obesity, hypertension, diabetes and general health charts also being made available.

Steve Webster, Information Analysis Lead Manager for NHS Digital, said: “This new tool will make 25 years’ worth of lifestyle trends more accessible to the general public and people who are not experts in the field. People will now be able to see the wide-ranging trends in the population’s health over the past 25 years and see how these trends match their own experiences over time.”