News launches app for clinicians to collaborate has launched a new smartphone app to allow doctors to collaborate on clinical problem solving.

Available on Apple and Android, this enables doctors to access the forum in order to communicate with their peers and support each other with advice in a safe and secure environment.

The app allows clinicians to easily access the collective knowledge of their colleagues at any time of the day or night, at the push of a button. With a range of groups at their fingertips, doctors can raise topics for discussion or get in touch with specific specialists to receive quick responses to clinical conundrums, difficult medical cases, or to share concerns such as work-load issues, training and career decisions.

Within the forum, an online Emergency Room provides a facility for members to ask questions that require a very quick response. Usually answered in a few minutes, this feature allows potentially-life-saving information to be quickly passed into the right hands.

Dr Tim Ringrose, chief executive of, said: “The app puts peer-to-peer support in the hands of every doctor in the UK and helps the profession to deliver better, safer care, especially when dealing with unusual situations or even emergencies.

“During this time of constrained NHS resources, it is particularly important for the medical profession to be able to support each other in solving problems.”