Secondary Care

Insignia links Colchester with trusts across Essex and Suffolk

Insignia Medical Systems has deployed its InSight PACS system at Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust, providing a single trust and breast screening system for the region for the first time.

The successful go-live took place in early December following the migration of over 181 million images within 2.7 million studies using Insignia’s migration services which was completed in under six weeks.

The Insignia Breast Screening service is co-hosted with Mid-Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust in Chelmsford, which also runs an Insignia Medical Systems PACS, enabling a full regional screening service integrated with radiology for image sharing.

The Insignia Radiology PACS at Colchester will also join the sharing service in the region connecting with Insignia PACS systems at Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Mid-Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust. Insignia will also deploy its sharing service to Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust to deliver regional services and image sharing.

Insignia Medical Systems’ project manager, Mike Dagley, said: “By working together the deployment of a new and modern trustwide imaging system went smoothly with practically no impact to the trust’s end users. The ongoing sharing services project will bring a new level to image sharing across Essex and Suffolk, which will continue to improve patient care across the region.”