
Analytics supporting Lewisham cancer waiting times

Lewisham NHS Trust wanted a way to immediately provide their clinical, operational and leadership team with greater oversight on cancer waiting times.

The organisation also wanted the assurance that the solutions exceeded the national requirements and would really focus on user engagement and outcomes. The hospital and its delivery team are now able to more accurately manage the reduction of waiting time for patients and meet the national standard thanks to an analytics solution from Draper and Dash.

Femi Odewale, Director of Cancer Delivery – Transformation Specialist “Working with D&D, we were able to create a dashboard actually capable of achieving what it had promised to do. The dashboard has given the Trust the ability to see and therefore act; something that the Trust never had before. Working closely with the clinical operations teams created a strong sense of ownership of the solution, data and process improvement.”

The Cancer Waiting Times standards is focused on monitoring the length of time that patients with cancer or suspected cancer wait to be seen and treated in England. The standard requires hospitals to improve the delivery of cancer care across the country and is one of the top three areas of focus for leadership teams at both a local and national level. The improvement of these wait times is vital in ensuring that cancer patients around the country are cared for in a timely fashion, aiding in the journey towards both their recovery and survival.

2014-15, an estimated 4 million patients were seen by specialists in the UK after an urgent GP referral for suspected cancer. 94.7% of these patients were seen within 14 days of referral, which is 1.7% over the standard requirement and a great improvement from earlier years.

The solution from Draper and Dash allows clinicians, operational managers and executives to have an operational handle on the management of patients. These are patients waiting to be seen and treated for urgent and suspected cancers across the 2 week, 31 days and 62 days operational standards.