Over the next 12 months, Inhealthcare has some exciting projects ahead working with our NHS partners to deliver digital health across the UK. In the North East we are working with Health Call to roll out digital health services right across the North East region. Health Call, led by the CIOs of the Trusts is a collaboration between six Trusts, working together to share clinical expertise and technology innovation.
In North West London we are working to deliver digital health across eight boroughs. Using the Inhealthcare Toolkit, the region will be building new digital health services for roll out in the capital.
Inhealthcare works to transform health and care services by reducing pressures on overstretched NHS services by moving care closer to home.
Elemental Software
Jennifer Neff, Elemental Software “Elemental is a Tech For Good company that helps GP practices and other health and social care professionals to refer patients into neighbourhood based, non medical programmes and services to address the social determinants of health. Co-founded by former community development workers, the award-winning platform connects, supports, measures and evaluates the uptake and impact of social prescribing referrals. Elemental is helping to connect all the stakeholders in community health to ensure that even better social prescribing programmes can be designed and delivered.”
100 is a 100 word challenge to help share health tech projects and learnings. In 100 words we want to hear about the technology you are using, the benefits, successes and tips. HTN 100 will be published every Friday!
To participate email news@thehtn.co.uk.
Designed and built with NHS practitioners using Microsoft’s latest technologies, CCube’s award-winning solutions deliver electronic health records to clinicians, secretaries and administrators in the format they require, when and where they are needed. With a proven track record of project success and expertise working with the NHS over 17 years, providing cost effective and scalable solutions, tailored to meet individual requirements, its software suite is used in over 28 NHS organisations around the UK