Secondary Care

Populo Consulting eyes digital health growth

Digital health consultancy Populo Consulting has announced the appointment of a Jonah Aburrow-Jones as new managing director.

Populo formed two years ago. Since then, it has grown rapidly and works with the Salford, Oxford, and Imperial global digital exemplars, the Mersey Care mental health GDE, and the Manchester local health and care record exemplar (LHCRE).

Aburrow-Jones said: “Populo is a full service digital health consultancy. Our approach is non-typical because we work in partnership with clients to solve the problems that they have. Wherever an organisation is on its digital lifecycle, we provide the advice and support, solutions and assurance, that will get it to where it needs to be.”

“The reputation and credibility we have built in the market has enabled us to be in a position to now expand our team, refresh our branding, and open a new office in the heart of London, close to some of our major clients and their suppliers. This will enable us to support more organisations as they look to make the most of their IT investments and prepare to adopt the technology that will underpin new models of care and delivery for patients.”

“We have found that many NHS organisations invest millions in a major IT system, only to find that by the time it has been rolled-out it has become obsolete or in need of significant optimisation,” he said.

“Our ‘Digital Agility’ service encourages organisations to use their estate in new ways, and then to draw up a strategic plan to fill in gaps in a cost-effective way. However, some of our biggest projects at the moment are not advising on systems but providing input into new models of care. National policy is focused on integrated care, and we can help to make sure that the technology is in place to support that, and that it works properly.”