Secondary Care

Imaging innovation and AI raising the spirits of UK radiology

A new survey from Canon Medical Systems UK has highlighted innovation and AI as what enthuses radiographers and radiologists the most, followed by imaging improving patient outcomes (27%) and the use of diagnostic imaging replacing invasive clinical procedures (21%).

The greatest challenges currently facing radiologists and radiographers were cited as staffing and resource shortages (37%), investment pressures (26%), increasing patient workloads (23%) and ageing equipment (14%).

“The UK radiological community feels anxious about staffing shortages and investment pressures yet are excited by the acceleration of medical technology innovation as a panacea for the future of the imaging department,” states Mark Hitchman, Managing Director of Canon Medical Systems UK. “By taking the temperature of the UK radiological market we can ensure that we keep in tune with fears and hopes of our customer community to ensure we continue working in partnership. This is especially important to us with our renewed R&D focus transitioning from Toshiba Medical Systems to Canon Medical Systems this year.”

“We feel confident that innovation in new imaging techniques and applications alongside a flexible approach to capital investment financing solutions, will help with patient demand and department resource pressures to drive the future of modern imaging services. At UKRCO, we unveiled our Vantage Orian 1.5T MRI system, this is an example where an innovative focus on developing quick scanning speeds will power productivity and optimise workflow.”

Gill Harrison, Senior Lecturer and Programme Director for the Medical Ultrasound programmes at City, University of London gave her views as part of the survey, she states, “Innovation in AI is an exciting advancement and could make some ultrasound examinations more automated, for example screening, which would free up sonographer time for more complex cases. This would certainly complement the development of a National Career Framework for Ultrasound that is work in progress. Also, further developments in the innovation area of ultrasound ergonomics will support UK ultrasound practitioners. Although much work has been done in improving ultrasound systems and probes to enhance ergonomics and transducer grip for sonographers, there is still more to be done in alleviating work-related musculoskeletal disorders.”