Secondary Care

Deontics implements Acute Coronary Syndrome decision support at Royal Liverpool

Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust has a gone live with a clinical decision support pathway in the Acute Coronary Care Unit.

The pathway integrates with the hospitals homegrown EPR and provides granular decision support for clinicians treating patient with Acute Coronary Syndrome.

Utilising the hospital’s ACS treatment protocol the tool generates personalised, evidence-based, treatment, and referral recommendation within the existing workflow. It also captures all clinical and protocol data used in each clinical decision, including the compliance status of the decision with the protocol and the reason for any non-compliance, enabling the learning system and automated real-time and historical audit.

The Trust anticipates this will result in an increase in compliance with their protocols and more efficient, standardised, clinical practice and potentially contributing to reducing bed-blocking on the ACCU.

If the software proves a success the Trust plans to extend the use to A&E.

Dr. Michael Fisher, Chief Clinical Informatics Officer at the RLBUHT, said: “We are delighted to be working with Deontics on this very exciting project and we believe the Deontics CDS platform is one of the best CDS systems available for ensuring clinical quality and efficiency. We will be reviewing progress with a view to potential widespread roll-out throughout the Trust if successful. We anticipate that Deontics can contribute to standardise our care pathways and to reduce costs and increase efficiencies. The goal is to provide the most cost- effective and safest care to our patients and at all times to improve the patient experience and the experience of our staff”.

Dr. Guy Wood-Gush, Chief Executive of Deontics, said: “We are very pleased to have launched this application of the Deontics platform at the RLBUHT and believe it can facilitate significant improvements in clinical productivity, reduced bed blocking, and increased patient safety in ACCU and A&E. We have been very impressed by the clinical and technical capabilities at the RLBUHT and believe this will enable a smooth path to further roll-out at the hospital”.