
Pharmacist reduces controlled drugs admin by 75%

A Yorkshire based pharmacy has reduced the time spent on managing controlled drugs prescriptions by 75% thanks to a new electronic monitoring system.

Day Lewis pharmacy in Hull removed its paper process and switched to an electronic controlled drugs register (eCDR) developed by EMIS Health that is integrated into his ProScript Connect system.

ProScript Connect is the latest version of EMIS Health’s pharmacy software and is used by Day Lewis’ 311 pharmacies.

Neil Mowbray, manager  “I’m a big fan of the eCDR. It has reduced discrepancies and errors, because we record information in real time. It has also reduced the volume of drugs going out of date, as it is easier to monitor stock. The controlled drugs register (CDR) was a Monday job that often got pushed back to another day because of the time it took. Now we can complete it in about a quarter of the time.”

“Before the integrated e-module, every delivery of controlled drugs had to be written into a paper register by hand. It was a hassle. The information was held in two big thick folders and we had to flick through pages and pages of information to audit.  Now we have more time to spend with patients on other services. We run very busy travel clinics, as well as doing NHS health checks, smoking cessation and medicines use reviews.”

Shanel Raichura, Clinical Director of Medicines Management, EMIS Health “The eCDR is a perfect example of how IT can transform modern pharmacy. Not only is it freeing up time for pharmacists to spend on enhanced patient services, it is eliminating errors and helping to drive up standards.”

EMIS Health plans to roll out the eCDR to its customer base in the coming weeks.