Secondary Care

Royal Wolverhampton appoints OLM

Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust has appointed  OLM to optimise its 0 – 19 Healthy Child Programme service with new cloud-native technology, ECLIPSE; a case management system to improve and simplify the case recording process.

The 0-19 Healthy Child Programme is an integrated service for children, young people and their families to improve health outcomes, and the service was previously 100% paper-based.

The ECLIPSE platform allows the Trust’s Partnering Families Teams, health visitors and school nurses, to record securely on any device, collaborate efficiently and ensure compliance.

Roz Geary, ICT Project Manager of Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust  “By using the ECLIPSE software we will be able to deliver better patient care. As per the Government’s Cloud First policy, the software we procured is cloud native. The software is able to work on any device and is able to be tailored to our exact user requirements. By utilising mobile working, the number of visits to the 0-19 service can be increased. The software offers the ability for our multidisciplinary team to work together to provide a secure system. Use of the software will not only enhance efficiency, but also the quality and availability of information we provide will be improved.”

Peter O’Hara at OLM said, “The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust wants to deliver truly integrated care; it is ambitious and continually strives to improve patients’ experience and outcomes.  As a new and innovative solution, ECLIPSE will help the Trust re-shape the way it works and improve child health across Wolverhampton, and address the challenges that healthcare professionals previously faced when recording.”