
1,076 providers now using NHSmail

The centrally funded mail service is now being used across multiple care settings following an ‘Entry Level’ of the Data Security and Protection Toolkit was released.

NHS Digital’s Social Care Programme formed a partnership with the Care Provider Alliance to work nationally with all care providers to help them embrace the digital agenda. This has included sector-led guidance for completing the different levels in the Data Security and Protection Toolkit, which can be found on the new Digital Social Care website.

In London, the NHSmail system supplier Accenture has been working with the Healthy London Partnership to support staff in the care sector to access NHSmail through guidance and face to face support, and has developed an approach to be offered nationwide.

Fatma Makalo, Centre Manager for Bridgeside Lodge Care Home said “We are using NHSmail and it is working so well.  It is bringing a feeling of integration and you don’t feel like you are working in isolation, now you feel like you can have a conversation with a colleague.  Everyone knows the system is there and they are using it very well.”

Rob Shaw, Deputy Chief Executive of NHS Digital, said “It is great to see so many care organisations taking advantage of the benefits that NHSmail offers. I have heard accounts of care providers talking to pharmacists about their residents’ prescriptions and communicating securely with doctors to get a quick medical opinion and many more.”

“The ability to communicate quickly, securely and effectively with colleagues across the sector means real benefits to staff and better care for the people they support. There is still a long way to go on this journey, but this is a fantastic start.”