Secondary Care

Moorfields Eye Hospital picks Civica for referrals

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has signed a five year contract with Civica.

The specialist eye hospital will implement Civica’s cloud-based digital health platform Cito.

The platform will be used to improve the patient referral workflow process to digitise and manage over 120,000 patient referrals each year.

It means the hospital will remove the current process where referrals are printed off when they are received and manually processes and triaged. The Cito system will integrate with Moorfields existing systems to improve the flow of referral information it receives.

It will also offer Moorfields improved data insight and audibility of referrals, including referral numbers, date received and speciality.

Steve Brain, Executive Director, Health & Care, Civica “We’re delighted to be working in partnership with Moorfields Eye Hospital as it moves to our Cito platform.”

“Cito will maximise productivity for the Trust, increase visibility from a single platform to aid better care planning and ultimately enhance the patient experience.”