Secondary Care

Data Saves Lives’ at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay

University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS FT is utilising real-time analytics to help staff to improve patient management, care and experience.

UHMBT has created a Command Centre using software from Qlik which provides an overall view of operations and is available both internally and remotely. It provides a single view of data to reduce bottlenecks, delays in patient services and support patient flow.

Rob O’Neill, Head of Information, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust “‘Data Saves Lives’ encapsulates our mission to deliver analytics that enable better decisions at the point of care. We’re focused on delivering analytical solutions to enable clinical and operational staff to make the right decisions in real-time.”

Foluke Ajayi, Chief Operating Officer “I think that workforce is a significant issue for us and I also think that our ability to manage our infrastructure and keep up with the technology that we need to run our services is a significant challenge. Our geography is unique, with three hospitals on sites that are around 1.5 hours travelling distance apart because of the rurality of the area that we work in.”

“We face a unique set of circumstances in how we deliver services for a very wide geography but actually a relatively small population. Real-time access to data is important to us because that’s the only way you can plan ahead and make best use of your resources.”

The Analytic Command Centre displays live information about patients throughout their hospital stay, from incoming patients travelling via ambulance to patients waiting for discharge home.

The trust said its staff also benefit because access to data has reduced their meeting times; a patient flow gathering that used to take 45 minutes for 20 senior leaders and clinicians now takes less than ten minutes.

Rob continued “Data really is the golden thread that runs right through the hospitals, from patients up to board level and that enables people to make data-driven decisions in all care settings, both operationally and clinically.”

The trust with Qlik produced a video on the project: