HTN Digital Week, sponsored by Alfresco and CCube Solutions, is a week of online events taking place 15th – 21st June 2020. The week focuses on sharing ideas, challenges, learnings, advice and good practice on technology in healthcare. We feel at this time it’s important to continue this and for Digital Week in June to develop an agenda that provides real value by bringing together the health tech community on all health tech topics including those related to the current situation.
Through a series of live webinars we will cover a variety of topics, including focusing on the current situation, and the role of technology at this time, to share ideas and learnings across the country to any healthcare professional for free.
You will be able to participate live, watch a recording of any session or read our news reviews covering each. Some of the speakers and sessions include:
Sharing ideas, challenges, learning, and good practice:
- Helen McGuire, Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust: Starting out as a new ANIO
- Morgan Thanigasalam, Clinical Lead for ICT, Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS FT: Sherwood Forest Digital Strategy
- Sam Shah, Global Clinical and Digital Adviser, Department of International Trade: Digitisation and AI: Do inequalities matter?
- Paul Charnley, Director of IT and Information, Wirral University Teaching Hospital: An update on how the area is implementing new digital solutions to better manage population health in the region
- Nicola Calder, Workstream Lead, Digital Supply and Capacity, Building a Digital Ready Workforce, Health Education England: Building a Digital Ready Workforce: Digital Supply and Capacity, workforce planning update for 2020
- A webinar with City Health Care Partnership: From immunisations to COVID-19, our digital health journey
- Radar Healthcare focusing on remote working solutions to support an integrated, personalised care approach
- Laura Serra, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust: Using digital technology to improve service access
- Liz Jones, Digital Project Manager, Lincolnshire STP: The Lincolnshire Care Portal
- David Kwo, Digital Healthcare Specialist: Lessons from multiple large scale EPR implementations in the NHS
- Sonia Patel, Joint Chief Information Officer, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust
- Healthcare Communications, digital first patient communications specialists
- Current Health who provide a universal remote patient monitoring platform
- Dr Pauline Whelan; Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust & University of Manchester CAMHS.Digital: Developing digital (mental) health platforms with children and young people
- Emlyn Jones and Fran Draper, Connecting Care Partnership – SCW CSU: Scalable sharing of data across local shared care records
- Ventilators, infusion pumps… How a single interoperability platform can connect any medical device from your ICU with any healthcare IT system or application
- ORCHA focusing on digital citizen empowerment
- DigitalHealth.London featuring several SMEs leading behavioural change apps
Please note an agenda with details of each session will be published shortly.