Somerset NHS Foundation Trust has gone live with a software platform from Radar Healthcare to help with quality, compliance and risk management.
The tool brings together operational and regulatory processes to help identify live incidents, mitigate risks and use real-time information to support safety.
In April 2020, Somerset Partnership merged with Taunton & Somerset NHS FT to create Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, and needed a solution to support day-to-day governance. The trust is also working on a strategic business case for the potential merger with Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
Stephen Thomson, associate director of integrated governance at Somerset FT, said: “Having a way of integrating our knowledge of the organisation into how we manage risk and do governance properly is brilliant. One of our senior nursing managers just loved the idea of having so much more information locally to be able to help her understand her business better.”
Paula Wiggins, governance systems manager at Somerset FT, commented: “The analytical capabilities that Radar offers really excites us. Detailed, real-time data makes a big difference in terms of sharing information and understanding trends. We can spot things quickly, whether good or bad. Sharing these insights with everybody to improve the way we work is really exciting.”
The tool is now being used to support internal communication, subject access requests, claims, freedom of information requests and other governance areas.
The trust has also this month signed a strategic research agreement with Sensyne Health to utilise anonymised data for research.
David Shannon, director of strategic development and improvement for Somerset NHS FT, said: “We are now one of six NHS trusts that has signed a contract with Sensyne Health to provide anonymised patient data that will contribute towards the development of innovations in care in the future.”
“The terms of the contract provide our organisation with the investment needed for us to anonymise the data before providing it to Sensyne Health and for us to benefit from any breakthroughs that Sensyne makes.”
“Data is essential for research that pushes the boundary of our knowledge and improves patient care. We are delighted that we have reached an agreement that enables us to contribute towards innovations by providing anonymised data.”