Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust has announced that the roll-out of the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Record (ICR), a consolidated electronic record of patients’ care, will begin this month.
The first phase of the ICR programme will see GP practice medical records and secondary care and mental health data available to view.
The programme includes GP practices within Coventry and Warwickshire, Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust, South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust, Coventry City Council, Warwickshire County Council and West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust.
In September 2020, an engagement campaign was launched to seek stakeholders views, with a report on the findings published in February 2021, in collaboration with Arden & GEM CSU.
The team from Arden & GEM CSU will be joining HTN to deliver a webinar as part of HTN Now September, to share how their digital transformation team supported Coventry and Warwickshire’s Integrated Care Record Programme. The session will share their vision and how the programme enabled partners to successfully navigate the challenges of data sharing and contracting.
As part of the engagement programme, a survey was conducted to measure its impact, with members of the public responding. The results highlighted that 96.76 per cent of the total respondents said they ‘did understand what the Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Record is’ and 91.90 per cent said the ICR was a ‘good idea’.
In June 2021, HTN caught up with Dr Michelle Webster, CCIO, and Shafiq Khalifa, Associate Director of IT at Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust, to discus their digital programmes, as well as the ‘I want great care’ and ‘you said we did’ projects, patient apps, learnings, and lots more. You can read the interview here.
This month, the trust also launched a new initiative to collect feedback about patients’ and carers’ experiences of services provided. Partnering with iWantGreatCare, a new way of collecting feedback online and in paper-form has been introduced.
Ros Alstead, Interim Chief Nurse, commented on the launch: “iWantGreatCare is a unique way of collecting information about what patients really think about the treatment and care they receive. It will give staff the opportunity to listen to what patients are telling them and see how we together can continue to improve where it matters most.
“As well as the improvements, we feel that it is important to celebrate the positive comments and will enable staff to hear this positive feedback immediately which can be rewarding and motivating and helps make sure we keep up the good work. We will use feedback at team level to learn and improve within all our services.”