The programme that will see primary care patients access new entries in their own GP records if their practice uses the TPP or EMIS systems, is now set to go live by summer 2022.
The change means GPIT system configuration will allow existing online users access to health information entered, including the ability to view letters, free text and documents but not specific personal information – such as positive test results – until a GP has had chance to speak to them and information has been appropriately filed and checked.
Patients will be unable to see administrative tasks or communications between healthcare staff, and will only view new information once it is entered into the clinical system.
Arrangements with practices that use Vision as the clinical system, are said to be ‘currently under discussion’.
On the specific go-live date, NHS Digital noted that “GPs will be informed with 2 months’ notice and provided with resources to support preparations.”
The organisation added: “Research shows that 80% of the 26 million NHS App users want easy access to their health information. Better access will support patients as partners when managing their health, and help reduce queries to general practice regarding test results and referral letters.
“The change will also support the GMS contract requirements to promote and offer online patient access to all future information, unless exceptional circumstances apply.”
The programme was initially due to go live in September 2021, but it was changed to April 2022 for general practice to complete the action that is required to ensure everyone who enters information into patient records is aware of the changes.
To support these changes within general practice, NHS England is holding a number of events regarding training and the impact on different roles within primary care. To find out more or to register please click here.
For further information on the specific changes, visit the NHS Digital website here.