
NHS Resolution publishes 2022-2025 strategy with a focus on data and insights

NHS Resolution has published ‘Advise, Resolve and Learn: Our strategy to 2025’, laying out strategic priorities over the next three years, including a new focus to improve maternity care.

The strategy sets out four main priorities: to deliver fair resolution, to share data and insights as a catalyst for improvement, to collaborate to improve maternity outcomes, and to invest in people and systems in order to transform business.

As part of its priority to share data and insights for improvement, NHS Resolution highlights it “holds one of the largest databases of healthcare-related compensation claims in the world, complemented by data on practitioner performance concerns and the causes of contracting disputes in primary care. This is over 25 years’ worth of data on concerns raised about NHS care. We have a duty to use this information responsibly to drive positive change for patients and staff.”

Digital, data and technology is seen as key to achieving this priority, to improve through use of data and insights; the strategy describes how the organisation will ensure “that our unique data sets help derive usable insights that benefit patients and the healthcare and justice systems”.

The organisation aims to ‘do more to share specialist knowledge and technical expertise’ and notes ambitions to focus on “systematically gathering, analysing and acting on quantitative and qualitative data”, “proactively explaining the data we hold”, “reviewing where we can align our datasets with others” and “collaborating with others to develop a deeper, system-wide understanding of those areas”.

The focus on data continues, including to use “analytical tools that are relevant, flexible and adaptable to the full range of our service users’ needs, including those in general practice, secondary care and integrated care systems as well as other national partners.”

When it comes to investing in people and systems to transform business, the strategy notes the importance of making sure that “our people are conversant with the range of digital transformations happening across the health and justice sectors and are able to provide our services in that context.” Modern equipment and workplaces are highlighted as key to this, with the organisation also stating that “modernised systems allow us to continually improve our effectiveness and efficiency and keep pace with future developments in areas such as robotic process automation and artificial intelligence.”

The strategy then focuses on the anticipated digital focus for each year. For 2022, it comments, “We will develop seamless collaboration with the wider NHS and enable the development of new service processes”; 2023, meanwhile, will see key partners “experience consistent and easy access to our data”. By 2024, it is the organisation’s ambition that “our knowledge and data [will] help the NHS to improve, supporting greater understanding of the causes of incidents and feedback to the system.”

Through delivering the strategy, the organisation intends to contribute to a reduction in harm to patients, distress caused when a claim or concern arises and cost, along with ensuring in indemnity arrangements are a driver for positive change.

To read the strategy in full, please click here.