Secondary Care

Eye health information and images shared across Gloucestershire ICS

A new system has been launched across Gloucestershire where community optometrists can access a patient’s eye health information and images through a single database.

Called the OphthalSuite Community Ophthalmic Link, created by BlueWorks OIMS, the system supports optometrists to access secondary care eye examination results, with a patient’s consent.

It means optometrists will be able to search for information and statistics, including comparing all exams and ophthalmic imaging taken over different periods. Optometrists also have access to view patient’s ophthalmology data including photos, scans, videos, metadata, GP letters and care plans.

One Gloucestershire said the system is being introduced to “help optometrist’s make timely decisions for patients with many benefits presented such as making management and referrals more accurate.”

Scott Vallance, Ophthalmic Imaging Manager at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, stated: “By joining up a patient’s full eye health history in this way we are already seeing better quality referrals to hospital services.

“The ability to access results in real-time will help to prevent any delays with getting patients the right care and access to the appropriate service.”

Dr Graham Mennie, from NHS Gloucestershire and clinical lead for the eye health programme, added: “This scheme has been a collaboration across the partners and providers in Gloucestershire’s healthcare system and we are delighted to be able to roll it out county-wide.”