We asked: How much time this week did you put towards innovation, driving new ideas or creative thinking?
69 people took part in the poll, with participants from a vast range of backgrounds including doctors, information specialists, communication professionals, CIO, CEO, CCIO, and project leaders.
The majority – 39 percent – said that this week, none of their time has been put into new concepts or ideas. Participants selecting this option included director of communications, consulting director, project manager, team leader and head of analytics.
30 percent said that they have spent one to three hours on this, with roles including chief information officer, chief medical informatics officer, head of urgent care and transformation and optimisation manager.
Behind that, 20 percent said that they have spent more than seven hours on innovation and creative thinking within the week. Here, voters included senior programme manager, senior product manager, associate director of innovation and head of digital.
The least popular answer was four to six hours, with 10 percent of participants choosing this option. Participants included regional director, global chief commercial officer, hospital CEO and clinical nursing and midwifery information officer.
Are the results as you would expect?
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