NHS England and Health Data Research UK have launched a survey to understand UK adoption of the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model, the open community standard designed to standardise the structure and content of observational data, for NHS data.
The survey states that adoption of a common data model across NHS Secure Data Environments “will increase data interoperability across the network, facilitating research collaborations, large-scale analytics and development and use of shared tools and methods.”
The survey seeks responses from data custodians, data users and/or researchers, and asks questions around organisation’s adoption of the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model, experiences with it, and how its adoption can be supported in the future.
Some of the questions in the survey, include: Has your organisation transformed any of its data assets into the OMOP Common Data Model?; Do you have data sets you would like to transform to the OMOP Common Data Model? To describe the data sets, including the aspects of health care, disease areas and the data types covered; and the motivation for wanting to transform your data to OMOP.
Results from the survey are to be combined with information gathered from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland in order to provide a UK-wide perspective, and will be used to help “plan future activities to support the adoption of this standard and so facilitate the use of data to answer healthcare questions with real-world evidence.”
The survey runs until 23 June and can be accessed here.