Out of 155 votes, the first option of ‘one to three’ received a clear majority with 51 percent of the vote. Here, we saw voters including urgent care operations manager, CNIO, director of digital, and digital care planning capability lead.
At the other end of the spectrum, 29 percent of respondents believe that there will be more than seven GP clinical system suppliers in five years’ time. For this option, voters included service performance and delivery manager, information security officer, group deputy COO, senior network engineer, and category buyer in digital and IT.
Finally, 20 percent of voters expect to see four to six suppliers in this area in five years, with these voters including technical architect, senior programme consultant, EPR consultant and CIO.
How many GP clinical system suppliers do you expect to see in five years’ time? Click here to follow HTN on LinkedIn for the opportunity to take part in future polls.
In other news around, Jersey’s comptroller and auditor general has published a review on the nation’s EPR implementation, highlighting the need for “greater focus on effective stakeholder and user engagement, as well as more effective discipline around the identification, monitoring and delivery of benefits”.
Elsewhere we reported that the New Victoria Hospital in London has signed a contract with MEDITECH to provide its web-based electronic health record, Expanse, with the EHR to be hosted on the Google Cloud Platform through MEDITECH UK and provided as a “subscription-based solution”.
On 15 May (12pm – 1pm), we are hosting a virtual discussion panel on the topic adding value to your EPR – to register, please click here.