
Digital Health and Care Wales issues notice for all Wales general practice data extraction and reporting solution

Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) has issued a prior information notice for a software solution to extract patient data from GP systems for secondary uses and direct care purposes.

The solution will enable patient-level extractions of data for uses including research and auditing, as well the creation of “defined patient level extractions and associated cohort identification to support direct patient care”.

Purposes listed in the notice include data analysis, reporting, audit and measuring quality within GP practices, with practices being able to access results, and aggregate results “being submitted to a central location” for DHCW access.

Potential suppliers are encouraged to attend a one-to-one session to showcase their “market ready” solution to the project team, focusing on reporting functionalities and the deployment of their product across Wales.

The estimated date for the publication of a contract notice is given as 28 October, 2024.

To learn more about the opportunity, please click here.

More from Digital Health and Care Wales

Earlier this year, DHCW’s 2024-2027 primary care strategy shared key principles including utilising resources to create a “best-in-class approach”, addressing shortfalls in consistency and quality across its digital portfolio, and developing and improving the positive impact of digitally-enabled change.

The strategy also highlighted plans to build value by adopting “off the shelf” products by default, and proactively source solutions to technical and process issues through generation of innovative ideas and by challenging boundaries.

DHCW’s organisational strategy for 2024-2030 noted the need for “a digital and data revolution” to enable innovation and new ways of delivering services to empower patients and health professionals, in turn improving outcomes “by providing safe, responsive and prudent health and care services”.

The organisational strategy set out five missions, including providing a platform for enabling digital transformation, delivering high quality digital products and services, expanding the digital health and care record, driving better values and outcomes through innovation, and being a trusted strategic partner and a high quality, inclusive and ambitious organisation.

Spotlight on procurement in health tech and digital social care

Back in March, the Hywel Dda Local University Health Board published a tender worth an estimated £75 million for a digital transformation strategic partner to support them in planning, accessing and managing digital ambitions by leveraging the capacity and expertise of both the health board and the partner.

The long-term partnership is hoped to “significantly” accelerate the pace of the health board’s digital response and priorities, with specifications including that the partner be flexible in nature; that they provide “stable and sustainable” solutions; and that they work in an integrated way with the health board’s internal teams.

The Department of Health and Social Care also published a prior information notice in March, highlighting an opportunity for market engagement activities around the planned procurement of an interoperability platform to support data sharing between digital social care record systems in care homes, nursing homes and domiciliary care, and systems used by NHS providers including GPs, hospitals, community services and social care.

In the last month, NHS England has also issued two pre-procurement notices, one for a digital weight management programme worth an estimated £23 million, with the aim of delivering a behavioural lifestyle intervention over a 12-week period for people living with obesity; and another worth £18 million signalling the beginning of market engagement on an EPR system to capture health data and records across the health and justice area, covering prisons, detention centres, and more.