Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) has shared a prior information notice for the procurement of a ‘National Intelligent Integrated Audit Solution’, with a budget of up to £5 million.
The aim of the audit solution is to “monitor user access to the NHS Wales single patient record” and to be utilised for auditing relevant national clinical applications and national repositories, flagging any “inappropriate access and use”. This includes the monitoring of all seven health boards and five of the six other statutory trusts across Wales.
DHCW have outlined the solution should provide: authoritatively process audit logs from specified systems to display information on user behaviour; reference and integrate with existing NHS Wales systems to access audit logs via API connectivity and directly where necessary; be scalable and provide the ability to integrate legacy connections and new requirements as they occur; and to host and deliver the solution on a cloud basis, integrated with the DHCW network.
Suppliers are invited to attend a briefing day scheduled for Thursday 30 January 2025, held via Microsoft Teams. A full itinerary is said to be provided to those suppliers who express an interest, with the aim to “undertake competitive procurement in Q3 2025”.
DHCW have noted that they will be seeking a single supplier agreement for an initial term of 10 years. Find out more about this opportunity here.
Digital healthcare across Wales
In a HTN feature last month, we focused on digital and data across Wales, taking a closer look at the strategic direction, insights, recent developments, and more around digital healthcare.
Recently the Welsh Government published its draft budget for 2025/26. The main headline for health and social care was to deliver “more than £600 million in extra revenue and capital funding” to help reduce long waiting times, make improvements in mental health services and improve women’s health services.
In other news for Digital Health and Care Wales, last month they shared ambitions to plan and deliver a cloud transition programme for national digital services in Wales. As part of this, they were seeking “one or more suppliers” to support work to migrate “circa 90 services” across “approximately 1,600 servers”.
Cardiff and Vale University and Aneurin Bevan University Health Boards have recently participated in the roll-out of the Welsh electronic maternity record, with plans for the digital system to be available across all health boards by March 2026. An app will also be introduced to allow women to access and manage their full maternity records.