Secondary Care

Bolton goes live with Allscripts Sunrise

Bolton NHS Foundation Trust is now live with the Sunrise Acute Care platform from Allscripts.

In October the trust went live across all wards and its A&E department, using a pathway implementation approach, when a patient is uploaded to the system their journey is continually managed digitally.

Phillipa Winter, Chief Information Officer, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust said “After months of planning, it was fabulous to be able to celebrate a successful go-live and a significant step in our digital transformation journey.”

“The implementation has been a testament to the partnership, commitment and teamwork of the trust, its suppliers and their implementation teams. The new system has been enthusiastically received by staff and a high proportion of our patients are now having all their details recorded on the EPR.”

The trust adopted a clinical wrap approach for its deployment, enabling the trust is retain its third party patient administration system and deploy the Allscripts clinical suite. Bolton’s emergency department is using Sunrise for electronic prescribing and order communications, and its wards are live with e-prescribing, order communications, clinical documentation and Sunrise Mobile.

Philippa said “We chose to make sure the implementation supported our care pathways, which require a wide range of functionality and documentation.”

“The immediate benefit is that, for patients who now have an electronic patient record, our staff have a clearer, more easily accessible overview of their treatment and care. There is now minimal duplication of information, which saves time for staff and for patients, who don’t have to provide their details several times.”

The trust has also gone live with a ‘first of type’ interface between Sunrise and its pharmacy system, supplied by EMIS Health, which will enable it to introduce ‘closed loop’ e-prescribing and medicines administration.

Richard Strong, Managing Director, EMEA, Allscripts, said “This go-live was not only a ‘big bang’ implementation, but one of the largest scopes for an initial deployment of Sunrise Acute Care that we have seen in an NHS trust.”

“Naturally, this has meant that the past few weeks have been extremely busy, but the Trust’s operations team has been phenomenal in managing the introduction of the EPR and in working with us to keep perceptions positive and adoption high.”