Terms and Conditions

About HTN

HTN is an online media company providing daily news, features, interviews and content on healthcare related topics. HTN also runs an awards programme and online events programme, a print edition released 4 times a year, and a digital playbook to share supplier content. We aim to deliver the highest quality content for you.

Terms and Conditions

The HTN.co.uk (Website) is made available using the below terms and conditions. For a copy of the relevant terms and conditions for your use of this Website and HTN services, please email finance@htn.co.uk

By using the Website and accessing any part of the Website, you shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms & Conditions in full. If you do not accept these Terms & Conditions, you must leave the Website immediately. You acknowledge that HTN endeavours to ensure that information on the Website and any related material is accurate and complete, it is provided only for general information, and you acknowledge that some of the content may be supplied by third parties.

At times we will provide links on the Website to third party websites. These are solely for convenience and we do not check or verify these Websites.

By using this Website you agree not to distribute, reproduce, modify, store, in any other way use any of the materials.

HTN shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered as the result of the use of this website or our online events.

Artificial Intelligence Tools or Programmes

Under no circumstance should any content or words on HTN.co.uk be shared, utilised, summarised, be adapted or be included by or in any artificial intelligence tool.

External Views

We regularly seek comment and opinion from the industry, aiming to provide a well-rounded and balanced view on a topic, as well as sharing the views of different stakeholders in the industry. Please note the comments we receive are from those referenced and are their views and opinions.


At HTN we regularly run online events and support suppliers marketing initiatives, where completing these forms using basic business contact details you provide consent for us and the webinar organisers or supplier, to contact you. This will either be to contact you about the webinar or provide information relevant to the form you complete.

During our online event series we invite a range of speakers and industry leaders to present or join a panel discussion. In these sessions the views and opinions expressed are of the presenters and it is of their opinion. By attending you acknowledge this.

Information we may collect about you

We may collect and process data that you provide when signing up to our newsletter or registering to attend an online event. We consider this information to be professional information such as your company name, job title, and company email address.


We at HTN.co.uk use Simple Analytics for website analytics. Simple Analytics collects and processes anonymous metrics and provides us with information to help us understand how visitors use our website and where our traffic comes from.

Simple Analytics allows us to improve our website and create a better experience for our visitors. We do not track or profile visitors.

Simple Analytics is a privacy-friendly tool and does not collect your personal data. You can learn more about the way Simple Analytics processes data from its website.

Where we store your information

Your professional data as outlined is stored in our marketing system Mailchimp and our webinar system Microsoft Teams.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email to finance@htn.co.uk. For a copy of our privacy policy, please email finance@htn.co.uk