
Digital ICS programme from NHS Providers to support ICSs with digital transformation

A development offer from NHS Providers has been launched to support integrated care system (ICS) leaders “seize the digital opportunity and deliver their system ambitions”.

The Digital ICS programme builds upon the existing Digital Board programme from NHS Providers. It is delivered in partnership with the NHS Confederation and Public Digital, and supported by Health Education England and NHS England.

NHS Providers note that digital transformation is a “fundamental enabler in achieving the four core purposes of integrated care: improving population health and healthcare, tackling unequal outcomes and access, enhancing productivity and value for money, and helping the NHS to support broader social and economic development.”

Saffron Cordery, Interim Chief Executive for NHS Providers and Matthew Taylor, NHS Confederation’s Chief Executive, commented that boards must “balance the immediate operational challenges facing their systems alongside the longer-term strategic aims.

“Embracing digital technology and associated ways of working will be fundamental to achieving change and enabling ICBs to achieve their core purposes,” they said, adding: “When it comes to digital, as well as agreeing a system-wide strategy, ICBs will need to set the overall culture and tone, ask the right questions and understand the challenges and complexities of digital tools and systems operating across their patch.”

To support them in this, the development offer includes free board development sessions with bespoke agendas, co-designed with ICBs to meet specific needs; peer learning events to provide system leaders with the opportunity to hear from peers across health and care and other sectors; and resources and insight reports, to share learning and emerging good practice.

Saffron Cordery and Matthew Taylor commented that it is key for their support to be “based in the reality facing each system and its leaders.”

They said: “We will draw on learning from across the NHS and other sectors to stimulate debate, provide challenge and agree next steps, including how we can tailor further support to meet the digital challenges facing each ICB.”

To contact the Digital ICS programme for more information on the support available, please click here.