
Sheffield City Council live with Yorkshire and Humber Care Record

Sheffield City Council has become the first local authority in the South Yorkshire region to introduce the Yorkshire and Humber Care Record (YHCR).

Developed by Interweave, a company owned and managed by its users across 6 ICSs, the YHCR gathers separate patient records and puts them into one structured format, providing a more “complete view” of treatment and care. It also allows clinicians and other healthcare professionals access to important health information across multiple systems, the company said.

Initially, the First Contact and Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub teams have been onboarded to use the platform. Commenting, Jack Cook, a social worker in the First Contact duty team, said: “The shared care record has proved to be an invaluable resource for our duty team working at the front door of adult social care. It has saved our time having to contact GP surgeries for information and has even resulted in safe and well visits being averted due to us being able to see a patient has visited their GP recently.”

The South Yorkshire Shared Care Record programme is currently introducing the YHCR to organisations across the region as part of NHS England’s Connecting Care Records initiative, with the aim to provide “better, safer care and treatment” to all patients within the city.

Shared care records: related stories

We recently caught up with Lee Rickles, CIO and director of Interweave and Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust, as part of our HTN Now series. In the webinar, we discussed the practicalities of AI technologies, where we explored implementation, data, bias, adoption, policies and best practices. Lee shared some key insights into  some of the challenges around data and information sharing when developing Shared Care Records, while emphasising how they are “always looking for opportunities to improve quality and efficiency across the board”. Learn more about Lee’s insights in our write-up.

Interweave was also the recipient of the HTN Now Shared Care Record award for their solution. The platform and IP of the technology, are owned in a unique and sustainable partnership model supported by the principles of open standards and vendor neutrality.