Secondary Care

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board picks Civica

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board has chosen to implement Civica’s Cito platform to improve visibility of clinical information. 

The Health Board has signed a 5 year deal with Civica to implement Cito its cloud based information management system. The project aims to digitise over 300,000 patient records and 127 million images over the next two years.

The Health Board has seen a rise in its paper record, being a growth of 24,000 paper records each year from across three acute hospitals and five community hospitals.

The new platform will help the organisation improve the structuring and management of information and provide access when and where its needed.

Civica also plans to assist Cwm Taf Morgannwg with the set-up of a local scanning facility.

John Palmer, Chief Operating Officer for Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, said: “We are committed to improving the ways we work to benefit both our staff and patients. Our plans to digitise patient records will have enormous clinical benefits and are a key part of our strategy to use technology to drive forward innovation across the Health Board.”

“We have already achieved a significant amount after consolidating 1.2 million records into one Hub from 38 sites in the past five years. Now, working with Civica, we are able to move to the second phase of the project to digitise all patient records. This is a really exciting piece of work and I look forward to seeing the benefits that will come as a result.”

David Roots, Executive Director, Health & Care, Civica“We’re very pleased to be working in partnership with Cwm Taf Morgannwg as it moves to our Cito platform. With its determination to drive digital innovation in integrated health and care, we’re excited to support the Board’s vision to deliver paperless services at the point of care, support digital transformation and ultimately enhance patient experience.”