
NHSX, as of today, is official

Today marks the launch of NHSX, a newly formed organisation to oversee digital, data and technology.

Matthew Gould, Chief Executive, NHSX “As of today NHSX is official, with our mission to get staff and citizens the technology they need. I’ve never felt as excited to do a job before. If we get it right, I know we can make an enormous difference to the NHS and to social care.”

Hear from Matthew Gould in a video published today:

NHSX was first announced in February with a clear mission to take forward digital transformation in the NHS, allowing patients and staff to benefit from the latest digital systems and technology.  The organisation set an aim to help create the most advanced health and care service in the world to diagnose diseases earlier, free up staff time and empower patients to take greater control of their own healthcare

Following this announcement, in April the organisation stated its intent to mandate the use of internationally-recognised tech and data standards across the NHS to ensure a consistent language of clinical terms to help staff share information, as reported by HTN here.

HTN asked the industry for their opinion on this announcement, as reported in our feature here. 

More recently the unit published its review of NHS tech spending, with some programmes to close, merge and some that have naturally come to an end. It also announced its priorities and mission, in an article here.