

32 trusts join Digital Aspirant programme

The second wave of NHS trusts to receive funding as part of the NHS Digital Aspirant programme have been announced. 32 trusts are set to join the initiative; seven are to receive up to £6 million over the next three years and 25 are to receive funding of £250,000 to […]

Innovation News

Six new SME innovation projects awarded funding

Innovation hub Enterprise East (HEE) has announced that the MedTech NAVIGATOR Innovation Grant Scheme will provide another six SMEs with funding. Supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the NAVIGATOR programme has awarded funding to the following: Tekihealth Solutions NS Innovations Flush-Tech Yourgene Health Tangi0 Anidium. The projects involved […]


NHS trust and CCG websites compared for accessibility 

Silktide, a company that compares millions of websites, has analysed NHS trust and CCG websites for usability, including content, accessibility, marketing, mobile, social, speed, and legal compliance. The Index, a league table, has been created showing how organisations in various industries compare for web accessibility. North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS FT, […]


Northern Ireland publishes new COVID-19 vaccination data dashboard

A new COVID-19 vaccination dashboard, which charts the progress of Northern Ireland’s roll-out, went live this week. Northern Ireland’s Department of Health says the platform is the ‘first step’ in plans to publish detailed vaccination data on a daily basis. Work on the dashboard’s infrastructure will continue, with the aim […]