Feature Series: Interoperability

Here you will find the latest features and programmes tackling the interoperability challenge across health and care. 

On this channel we take a look at how health and care services across Lincolnshire are sharing information and how focusing on data capture can support interoperability. 

In 2013 Lincolnshire’s healthcare partner organisations undertook a major review aimed at transforming its health and social care services and exploring how it could work more effectively with the third sector. Its goal was also to move healthcare out of hospitals, to situate it closer to patients’ homes wherever possible.

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Primary care: clinician using a laptop

Nick Roots and Liz Ward of Prospitalia h-trak, a healthcare information company working with the NHS and private hospitals, took time out recently to chat to HTN for our latest feature on interoperability.

Focusing on how accurate data capture can enhance interoperability within hospitals, they shared a case study on the adoption of their h-trak point of care system, which identifies and captures products used in surgical procedures.

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