Category: Delivering at Pace
Gateshead NHS Foundation Trust
Developing an in-house system referral triage system to support digital working in outpatients
This project focuses on a move away from a third-party system for triaging referrals and to develop a bespoke inhouse solution despite constrained timescales. This project demonstrated the innovation of the teams at GHNFT and their commitment to improve the tools available to clinicians.
Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership
Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership (C&MHCP) – Digital Covid Response Group
C&MHCP Digital Teams from every organisation cooperated fully during the Covid crisis by working round the clock with clinicians and managers to solve problems with dedication. The central team coordinated all partners to support the rapid shift to home working providing solutions on hardware and software, EPR and exchange information systems and supporting families to keep in touch.
The patientMpower for COVID-19 solution has been used to remotely manage over 1,000 COVID-19 patients in Ireland and the United States to date. The solution enables early hospital discharge and reduces the need for in-patient admission, whilst ensuring rapid triage at the first signs of patient deterioration, freeing up vital hospital resources and limiting healthcare staff exposure to the COVID-19 virus.
patientMpower (pMp) is a digital healthcare company based in Dublin, Ireland. pMp’s award winning solutions are deployed across Ireland, UK and US in a range of pulmonary conditions. In February 2020, patientMpower saw what was happening with COVID-19 & knew we had key expertise to help in the crisis.
Development of PATIENTEER COVID software at Croydon University Hospital
This entry aims to highlight a collaboration between clinical teams at CUH and Patienteer that rapidly led to the development of cutting edge software that helped CUH in fighting COVID by efficiently cohorting patients with suspected or confirmed COVID. This software is being embedded into normal practice at CUH.
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Emotional distress of COVID19 hospital visiting restrictions reduced through video technology
One of the most emotional and stressful aspects of the COVID-19 situation has been the removal of personal contact between patients and their loved ones at the time it is needed most. With swift action and team working, virtual visits have become a reality.
Ardens Healthcare Informatics
As the COVID pandemic upended the normal working pattern of primary care teams, our technology enabled an immediate transition to telephone and video appointments with no diminution of quality, and with the certainty of accurate record keeping. We were able to create new COVID specific templates based on Public Health England (PHE) advice within a few days, and roll these out to our clients. They have been updated whenever new guidance has been produced, and have been used in tens of thousands of appointments, helping to identify new cases, and particularly vulnerable groups for shielding.
Here (Care Unbound)
COVID 19 Hot Hub – Keeping GP Practices and patients safe in Brighton
When more and more patients were being diagnosed or self-diagnosing with Covid-19, it became clear that an alternative to primary care in GP practices was needed. That’s where Hot Hubs came in. Commissioned by the Brighton and Hove CCG, Here planned and managed the Hot Hub for the whole city.
Team GP vs Covid
Working in collaboration with a GP, Credentially was able to launch ‘Team GP vs Covid’, a major project bringing together over 3000 GPs from across the UK to help in the fight against Covid-19
Join us live from on 22nd October from 7:00pm for our innovative digital awards evening. We will run through the entries and announce the winners.