Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, partnering with CCube Solutions, is moving its electronic document and records management system (EDMS) to CCube’s cloud-based EDMS platform, CCube Cloud.
The move will see the trust upgrade its EDMS from a locally hosted and locally managed platform, to EDMS as a cloud service, where documents and records will be hosted and accessed using CCube’s cloud technology.
It forms part of the trust’s digital journey, which started with CCube Solutions in 2014, digitising records by concentrating on the patient’s pathway from the moment an individual is referred to the hospital and through the care pathway.
Alistair Eaton, CEO, CCube Solutions, commented on the transition to the cloud: “Our aim with CCube Cloud is to enable new, and long-established customers like Royal Papworth, to adopt powerful cloud technology as part of their digital transformation journey. Despite the wider adoption of EPRs in recent time, EDMS remains a critical component in the delivery of frontline clinical care. The scalability and performance of the cloud-native technology used by the CCube Cloud platform maximises the user experience whilst delivering extremely high levels of reliability and security.
“Over the past decade, I have seen the benefits that moving to public cloud SaaS solutions can deliver to providers across the NHS. For organisations like Royal Papworth, it removes the burden and cost of maintaining local infrastructure, increases resilience and reduces risk. But all this can only be achieved if applications are well architected for the cloud and if the technology is adopted properly. This is why at CCube we have invested heavily in the development of CCube Cloud and are very excited to see what further benefits we can deliver to our customers from here on.”
Dr Raj Vaithaminthi, deputy CIO at Royal Papworth Hospital, explained: “CCube solution will enable our clinical staff to deliver patient care more efficiently, effectively and safely. Staff will be able to access digital patient records quickly at the point of care as and when it is required. The platform offers a single integrated clinical view, via a modern and intuitive user interface, accessible from any device.
“It also helps us to minimise paper medical records further and to free up storage space as remaining paper medical records can be scanned and archived efficiently by health record staff. This will reduce the cost of managing physical paper records.”
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