Through HTN Connections, we’ll be sharing experiences, advice and inspiration from across the health tech community.
The sessions are open to everyone to attend and contribute, however we would love for you to get involved! Join the agenda as a panelist, or for a quick talk on a subject. This could be to share your career pathway, advice on applying for digital roles, advice on building digital teams, developing an improvement culture, healthcare leadership, or anything people related!
Inspire, share and fostering a learning healthcare community
The session will be informal, where anyone from across health and care can join us to share:
How to build digital teams? How do people get into their digital roles? What made them choose digital? What advice would they give to someone thinking of a career in digital health? What’s the one thing they wished they had known at the start of their own journey? With a regular series of informal chats sharing experiences and exploring particular themes around the health tech workforce, we’ll be finding out the answers to these questions and more besides, from a diverse range of contributors.
By getting involved, you can help us to share best practice with your colleagues, and your experiences can inspire and educate future generations of health tech professionals.
Share your career experiences and take part in a discussion
Come along and tell our audience how you got involved in digital, what drew you to this area of healthcare, any challenges you’ve faced along the way and how you tackled them. Whilst you’re with us, you’ll have the opportunity to chat with a number of other health tech professionals around a specific workforce theme.
Diversity in the digital workforce: Thursday 29 June 2023, 12:30pm
Data and analytics workforce: Thursday 27 July 2023, 12:30pm
Getting into digital: Thursday 31 August 2023, 12:30pm
Digital nursing and digital midwifery: Thursday 28 September, 12:30pm
Women in the digital workforce: Thursday 26 October, 12:30pm
The path to becoming a CIO: Thursday 30 November, 12:30pm