Taking place on 9th August to focus on digital ICSs and the world around them.
This one-day event will be filled with live sessions from health tech professionals in the space to discuss the challenges they’ve faced on their ICS journey, their solutions and to give us an insight into their experiences and ideas.
If you’d like to host a session and be a part of the agenda for this event, please contact emma@htn.co.uk for more information on how to get involved.
What does digital success for ICSs three years from now look like?
Here we share views and opinions from across the community.
ICS digital programmes in focus
We hear from Ross Fullerton, CIO at Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire ICS.
Empower your Integrated Care System with a robust digital identity strategy
In this webinar, hosted by Andy Wilcox, Senior Solutions and Enablement Manager at Imprivata, and Andy Kinnear, former NHS CIO and now Independent Consultant, you’ll learn more about the vision for ICSs, and how to make that vision a reality at your organisation. Join us to hear about how a robust digital identity framework can help facilitate the process and:
– Deliver patient information instantly at every point of care – Manage the full identity lifecycle, thereby reducing security risks and easing the burden of regulatory compliance – Improve workflows, resulting in gained efficiencies for clinicians and IT alike
Developing an ICS EPR strategy, lessons from the Global Digital Exemplar programme
For this live session we welcome Robin Williams, Director, Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation, atthe University of Edinburgh and Kathrin Cresswell, Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh who will share valuable lessons for current NHS strategy including levelling up and integration across ICSs.
The session will provide an overview of NHS England’s efforts to digitalise the health service over the past 15 years. In doing so, we will draw on work evaluating the introduction of Electronic Health Records as part of two national digitalisation initiatives:
The National Programme for Information Technology was the world’s largest civil IT programme ever attempted. It was characterised by concerted procurement of nationally chosen systems and was dismantled in 2011.
The national evaluation of the Global Digital Exemplar (GDE) Programme was an ambitious first-of-type national initiative seeking to advance digitally enabled (service) transformation in selected exemplar provider organisations already characterised by relatively high levels of digital maturity and bring them up to an international level, and create a national learning ecosystem to spread the knowledge acquired. It was completed in 2020.
Catch up on previous Digital ICS sessions
Supporting the ICS virtual ward agenda
Delivering care closer to home: How can your ICS achieve this