Panel Discussion: Establishing a culture of security, privacy and compliance

12:00 – 1:00, 1 October

Join HTN and a panel of experts for a live discussion on the challenges and threats facing health and social care organisations, and how these threats are evolving with advances in technology.

We’ll debate how health and social care organisations can prioritise their resources to address emerging cybersecurity threats and discuss how with emerging innovations and tech we can ensure patient privacy while leveraging these technologies for improved outcomes.  

Our panel will discuss how health and social care organisations can secure their increasingly complex IT infrastructures, especially with the rise of telemedicine and remote care, and we’ll ask what roles do third-party vendors and suppliers play in healthcare cybersecurity, and how can organisations ensure their partners adhere to security standards.

We’ll also discuss cyber security for smaller providers and suppliers, and discuss challenges in the next 5-10 years. 

The panel
  • Michael Abtar, CEO, IG Smart (Data Privacy, Cyber Security, and Governance Consultancy)
  • Dr Saif Abed, Medical Doctor | Cybersecurity Expert | AI Risk Management | Expert Witness | The AbedGraham Group | European Commission | World Health Organisation

The live webinar will include a questions and answers section, to submit questions in advance, please email