HTN Now: Post go-live best practices and learnings

26 March  2025 10:00 – 11:00

This session will focus on post go-live best practices and learnings, reflecting on key areas of focus for consideration following go-live, unanticipated challenges, future directions, and more.

Our expert panellists will discuss their own experiences of going live, the challenges faced following go-live and how to overcome them, and what to expect immediately following go-live, as well as further down the line.

We’ll look at ensuring the healthcare workforce stays engaged after the initial go-live, identifying and resolving issues quickly, monitoring uptake, further development, and what next?

Panellists include: 

  • Stacey Spence, EPR Programme Manager, Medway NHS FT

  • Hayley Grafton, CNIO, University Hospitals of Leicester