Tag: Data4


Promptly Health secures £11m NHS Wales contract to manage national patient-centred outcomes data

Promptly Health has secured an £11 million three-year contract to manage national patient-centred outcomes data for NHS Wales, following a procurement process which focused on assessment of capabilities around patient accessibility, innovativeness, data security and interoperability. The new contract accompanies NHS Wales’ plans to expand outcomes collection capabilities within the […]


Pilot projects in Buckinghamshire to further develop community diagnostic centre care pathways

Clinical infrastructure specialist Feedback Medical has announced a series of pilot programmes to support community diagnostic centre (CDC) care pathways. £300k funding will support two pilot projects in Buckinghamshire to explore “multiple service lines and mutual aid delivery models for sharing workforce capacity at a regional basis” through Bleepa, a […]


Seer data platform in Scotland expands to utilise cloud tech

The Scottish Government has announced the expansion of data and analytics platform Seer, with the next phase (Seer 2) to see cloud technology utilised in addition to providing the healthcare workforce with a more “advanced” version of the platform to increase opportunities and flexibility around accessing new tools and technologies. […]

News NHS trust

£1m in funding from NHSE for seven trusts through the Wireless Trials programme

NHS England has announced that around £1 million in funding has been awarded to seven trusts as part of NHSE’s Wireless Trials programme, designed to support organisations in introducing “new opportunities for wireless technologies that could help transform patient care”. Participating trusts include Manchester University NFT, trialling an approach that […]

News NHS trust

Three new trusts join London Care Record

Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust and Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust have started to share data through the London Care Record. Including details such as allergies, medicines, latest test results and care plans, the London Care Record is currently said to be […]