Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) recently published its organisational strategy for 2024-2030, framed around five key missions: to provide a platform for enabling digital transformation, to deliver high quality digital products and services, to expand the digital health and care record and the use of digital to improve healthcare, […]
Tag: Data4
Norfolk and Waveney ICS shares update on Joint Forward Plan, including data used to map progress
Norfolk and Waveney ICS has shared an update on the progress made around aims set out in the ICS’s five-year Joint Forward Plan, including how data is being used to measure progress and completion of ambitions. The ICS has recently published its population health management strategy and a health inequalities strategy, […]
Panel discussion: David Hammond, deputy chief strategy officer at Wirral Community and Julia Lake, associate director for digital (data) at Leeds Teaching Hospitals on bringing data to life
For a recent HTN Now panel discussion, we were joined by David Hammond, deputy chief strategy officer at Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, and Julia Lake, associate director for digital (data) at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, to talk about how their organisations are currently using data, […]
Community provider publishes procurement opportunity for AI transcribing software
Locala, a provider of NHS community healthcare services across West Yorkshire and Greater Manchester, has published a prior information notice regarding the planned procurement of AI transcribing software with the aim of enhancing efficiency and accuracy of medical transcription services. The procured service is required to be an “ambient” AI clinical […]
University of Manchester trials remote monitoring system for arthritis patients to submit data to EHR
A research team at the University of Manchester has shared plans to trial a system designed to support patients living with rheumatoid arthritis to send daily symptoms to their health record. The Remote Monitoring of Rheumatoid Arthritis (REMORA) system enables users to download a symptom tracking app to their smartphone […]
Birmingham Community Healthcare shares plans for becoming “more digitally-enabled and information-driven”
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has published its annual plan for 2024/25, with a key priority to become “a more digitally-enabled and information-driven organisation”. Looking firstly at the delivery of safe, high quality care, the trust highlights an overarching aim around “equitable clinical prioritisation, influenced by active use of […]
Digital Health and Care Wales publishes organisational strategy for 2024-2030, highlighting need for “a digital and data revolution”
Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) has published its organisational strategy for 2024-2030, highlighting the need for “a digital and data revolution” which will enable innovation and new ways of delivering services to empower patients and health professionals, in turn improving outcomes “by providing safe, responsive and prudent health and […]
MHRA issues new guidance on transparency for machine learning medical devices
The MHRA has issued new guidance relating to transparency principles for machine learning medical devices (MLMDs), to help ensure that information is clearly communicated to relevant audiences. The guidance sets out the guiding principles of transparency for who, why, what, where, when, and how. The ‘who’ explores relevant audiences, looking […]
Cancer Research UK roadmap focuses on tech innovation, data streams, digital twins and proactive measures
Cancer Research UK (CRUK) has published a new roadmap for the early detection and diagnosis of cancer, identifying major challenges and proposals for addressing them through new technologies, enhanced data access for research, and new models of healthcare. The roadmap aims to develop a shared vision for stakeholders across academia, […]
NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB publishes tender for population health management digital solution
NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB has shared a tender with an estimated value of £1,250,000 to £1,425,000 for the procurement of a population health management digital solution, capable of offering bespoke data analysis, technical solutions and digital platforms. The ICB, along with partner stakeholders, seeks a digital solution to support […]