Webinar: How to write a good technology business case

Presenter: Lauren Bevan, Head of Healthcare, BJSS

Friday 24th January, 1PM

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Topics covered: Financial forecasting, HM Treasury requirements, functional and non-functional requirements.

Webinar Overview

Writing a business case for technology can be hard. Endless governance loops and trying to corral  loads of people to write something coherent. The clash of waterfall approval process with agile project delivery. Learn how to navigate these choppy waters and how to develop a business case which is useful, insightful and brief!

Learning objectives

Learn how to write a compelling business case which is clear and concise but meets the needs of the internal and external approvals.

Presenter biography

Lauren is a clinician and chartered accountant and former Deputy Director of Finance in the NHS. She now leads a team of over 250 at BJSS building and deploying technology services to the NHS.

She has over 15 years of experience and brings together capabilities in clinical, financial and technology.

Intended Audience

Anyone looking to write a business case for internal or external funding for change.