Presenter: Graham Walsh, Chief Clinical Information Officer at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS FT – Digital Day Case Knee Pathway
Thursday 23rd January, 3PM
Topics covered: Digital pathways, remote monitoring
Webinar Overview
CHFT are leading a Transformation project for knee replacements with a digital pathway that optimises patient’s self-management and control of the procedure. Where patients are able have their knee replacement and go home the same day with enhanced recovery using sensors and home monitoring.
Background: The prevalence of knee replacement surgery is on the rise and traditionally patients can stay in hospital for up to 5 days’. The pathway had been unchanged for years
The main objectives were to:
- Optimise patients for surgery and recovery
- Reduce touch time and recovery time in theatre and on the ward
- Promote patient’s self-care and self-management
- Minimise the number of face to face interactions between health care professionals and patients
New Pathway: The pathway was developed that allowed the objectives to be made using innovation and technological solutions