Primary Care News

Easier tracking of prescriptions for St Helens Millennium Centre Pharmacy

St Helens Millennium Centre Pharmacy has been using the EMIS Health, Medicines Manager module as part of Pharmacy Access since mid-2015. More than a year on, and they’re finding it easier to manage repeat prescriptions and communicate with their local GP practice than ever before. Stuart Ellis, Superintendent Pharmacist and Director, said:

“Medicines Manager has revolutionised the way we order and track prescriptions for our patients. It is a game changer! From start to finish we are able to track the progress of the repeat request as it is sent directly into the doctor’s work flow in EMIS Web, once approved, it comes back via EPS R2. I have even checked a prescription one hour after it was ordered. We no longer have to wonder if the request has been received or whether the surgeries are going to miss-key our request, plus we can add a manual request for items not on the repeat slip.

“Surgeries will start to see the benefit as they will no longer need to allocate staff time and resources to manage this process. It will show how much medication we’re ordering and help CCGs ensure against inappropriate quantities and items being ordered, to ensure there’s no medicines wastage.”