Secondary Care

Video consultations a success at Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust is offering video consultations for cardiology patients providing advice to patients following a successful pilot.

The service is supported by Q doctor who is delivering the platform for the new video consultation service.

Following a three month pilot the Trust said the pilot is receiving a good uptake and has received very positive feedback from patients.

Dr Zeeshan Khawaja, the Consultant Cardiologist trialling the new service at LGT said: “We believe we are the first NHS Trust in the country to offer video consultations for specialist care. This is a fantastic service for patients who have been discharged from our A&E, and referred for a follow-up cardiac appointment. Video appointments enable us as specialist healthcare professionals to engage rapidly with these patients to ensure that they get the care they need in a timely manner. We can provide important expert advice and arrange further tests where necessary without the need for patients to return to the hospital, having already been seen in the emergency department.”

“Offering video consultations is not only convenient for patients, but it also makes sure that we don’t lose the personal rapport that we build. We can also be more flexible, offering appointments at times that suit our patients. It also frees up clinicians’ time and allows us to see a greater number of patients with complex cardiovascular problems more quickly, while still delivering a high quality service.”

Dr Chris Whittle, founder of Q Doctor, commented: “It’s great to see modernisation of a health service traditionally delivered in person; the transition to secure video makes it very convenient for patients and we’re very excited to see a specialist service putting it into practice. As well as reducing the practical challenges and costs of travelling for specialist advice for patients, it also enables hospitals to continue delivering high-quality care, whilst creating efficiencies within overstretched NHS budgets.”

Professor Tony Young OBE, National Clinical Lead for Innovation at NHS England, said “As a junior doctor, Chris joined NHS England’s clinical entrepreneur programme and since then he’s developed his platform for digital and video consultation services.”

“It’s fantastic to see one of our clinical entrepreneurs helping the NHS with this partnership, which is exactly the type of new service for patients the NHS wants to see more of as we set out in the Long Term Plan.”