Secondary Care

Innovative brain cancer treatment aid now available

A new treatment aid known as 5-ALA is now available across the country to allow surgeons to identify areas of the brain affected by cancer more accurately.

The aid known as ‘the pink drink’ uses fluorescent dye and ultraviolet light to make cancerous cells glow under UV light. This allows surgeons to more accurately identify the affected areas of the brain.

The aid is hoped to help over 2,000 patients a year and has been rolled out in every neurological centre in England as part of the NHS’s contribution to the Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission, established by the government after her death.

Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, said: “Tessa Jowell fought passionately and courageously for more recognition of rare brain cancers before she tragically passed away last year.”

“One year on, the effects of her tireless campaigning can already been seen. I am proud to announce we have now rolled out this groundbreaking treatment aid across the country, transforming care for 2,000 patients every year – a fitting testament to Tessa’s memory.”

“A cancer diagnosis is life-changing, but I want every single patient to feel reassured that they have access to the best and fastest care in our wonderful NHS. While more people are surviving cancer than ever before, we can and must do more, especially for people with few options left like those with rare brain cancer.”

Cally Palmer, National Cancer Director at NHS England, said: “This is a positive step forward for brain cancer treatment and patients are already benefiting from Tessa Jowell’s inspirational campaigning in her final months.”

“Transforming the lives of millions of people with cancer is at the heart of NHS England’s Long Term Plan and we are rapidly driving forward action to catch more cancers earlier, provide innovative new treatments and save tens of thousands more lives every year.”