By Orlando Agrippa, CEO of Draper & Dash Predictive HealthcareAnalytics
We are now at the point where it is possible to measure almost every component of the human physiology and many elements of behaviour. But it can and has been increasingly challenging for clinicians to get a tool or the right connectivity into their clinical systems to capture some fundamental data items. Consolidating data from existing systems and adding new outcomes data can also take years before health IT system suppliers are able to deliver new features for clinicians. In an era where we see an increasing drive for better health and prevention or improved management of disease – ultimately better outcomes, clinicians need to have access to their patients’ data in a useful, absorbable and reliable way that integrates seamlessly with their clinical workflow.
It must have been a Tuesday evening, an odd day to have a tech award ceremony I would say. Prior to the event E and I agreed to meet at the award venue for supper, he wanted to discuss some of the work we have been doing together for about three years. Now anyone who knows him knows he’s never short of great ideas on how technology can really help on the front line. “I would like us to collaborate on developing a clinical outcomes tool with the clinicians locally” he stated. It was at this dinner meeting that the idea of CORS was born.
Fast forward a few months and there is now a team of 50+ clinicians across the trust actively working together on improving outcomes, it’s fair to say that it was really one of his better ideas.
The clinicians really wanted to look at every element of reviewing clinical outcomes for patients and to have the platform reflect all elements of outcomes focused care. They also wanted to ensure that whatever was built reflected the way they work not just in their local trust but how clinicians are working across healthcare. The team was keen to ensure that other hospitals could adopt the solutions and build out new outcomes features for various specialities and pathways making the solution somewhat of a clinical ecosystem. This is all already happening with clinicians across the country reaching out to have local versions of the solutions in their trust with a focus on enhancing the platform. A far cry from the period of just working with clunky clinical software, clinicians are now playing fundamental roles in the way software is designed.
The clinicians at this hospital have led a joint digital development team consisting of Draper & Dash (D&D), board representation, the medical director, the associate director of analytics and other key stakeholders. The joint digital team have been actively worked on delivering a platform which allows clinicians to learn from deaths that occur in their care whilst really improving patient outcomes. The starting point for the clinically led digital team was to meet the national requirements around the Structured Judgement Review (SJR) which focuses on providers learning from deaths that occur in their care. Things have progressed well past this point with clinicians directing hundreds of hours of future state development to really drive better patient care.
Now it goes without saying we don’t see enough clinically led digital developments in the NHS. With the exception of digital leaders like Richard Corbridge – now at Boots, Rachel Dunscombe – CEO NHS Digital Academy, Glenn Winteringham – The Royal Free and Leon Douglas – The Whittington, all leading the charge on clinically led digital adoption and innovations. We are now seeing a real desire from ICS’, STPs and hungry providers wanting to form strong alliances with commercial organisations like D&D on developing real commercial partnerships. CORS as referred to by the local clinicians is now available to trusts across the country who wish to join the digital outcomes gathering. I am confident that there are other pockets of great ideas and innovations which can be added to enhance the platform whilst providing value to clinicians and ultimately to patients.
It goes without saying that in order for new and emerging technologies to enable proactive healthcare, barriers need to be reduced with clinicians leading the charge and taking control, now more than ever. It so it begins, the digital gathering. If you are a hungry, innovative digital adopter with an appetite for improving outcomes feel free to drop us a note and we will arrange for you to speak to the trust behind this innovation and provide an in-depth demonstration.