Another week, another Olympian effort from health tech innovators across the UK and beyond. Over the past seven days we’ve reported on the Acute COVID app for redeployed NHS staff, NHSX’s call for healthcare professionals to submit challenges, and the Care and Health Information Exchange’s migration to Orion Health. We’ve […]
Month: July 2021
Feature: Using operational data to support the redesign of clinical pathways across an ICS
For the latest in the HTN feature series which focuses on digital transformation for integrated care systems (ICS), HTN spoke with David Hancock, Healthcare Executive Advisor at InterSystems. In our virtual chat we discussed the role of operational data, the need for data liquidity, and how to approach system-wide pathway […]
NHS Digital releases new Data Uses Register
NHS Digital has announced plans to improve transparency around how patient data is utilised and accessed, via a new Data Uses Register. According to the organisation, the ‘new interactive tool’ will make it easier to see who is viewing the data, what they are allowed to use it for and […]
Health Tech Trends Series 2021: Northern Lincolnshire and Goole’s refreshed digital strategy in focus
As part of our latest Health Tech Trends Series, sponsored by InterSystems, our focus on digital strategies set out by NHS trusts continues. In part one, we picked out the interesting digital and tech initiatives for the next five years, as laid out by the Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation […]
Interview Series: Bruno Botelho, Director of Digital Operations at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
Bruno Botelho, Deputy Chief Operating Officer and Director of Digital Operations at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust took time out to chat to HTN about his role, current projects and vision for the future. As well as opening new digitally-enhanced critical care units, the trust and its charity CW+ […]
Health Tech Trends Series 2021: Digital aims in Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS FT’s new strategy
As part of our Health Tech Trends Series 2021, which is supported by InterSystems, HTN in a three-part edition, takes a closer look at new NHS trust strategies set to be implemented across the next five years. A number of organisations have been releasing their plans or draft papers with […]
Greater Manchester announces plans for improving digital inclusion
Andy Burnham, the Mayor of Greater Manchester recently set out new plans to improve digital inclusion and get residents in the region online. A Digital Inclusion Action Network has now been established to help support the Mayor’s ambitions, which include finding ways to provide all under-25s, over-75s and people that […]
Interview Series: Steven Antrobus, Senior Technical Project Manager for Digital Health Software at The University of Manchester
At HTN we often cover the wide array of apps being rolled-out by forward-thinking NHS trusts and primary care providers. But it’s equally important to go further behind the scenes, to talk to those that help develop and tweak the technologies. So, for this latest instalment in our interview series, […]
Guy’s and St Thomas’ research highlights SMS supports cancer patients
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust has conducted an online evaluation to understand the preferred and most effective communication options to support its patients with cancer. Following more than 600 responses, the results show that patients are more likely to highlight concerns and anxieties about their health when contacted […]
Suppliers offered opportunity to develop Health and Social Care Standards Register
The UK Government and NHSX have opened a new opportunity to develop a Health and Social Care Standards Register, to provide a core catalogue of existing standards and supporting materials. The programme aims to ensure there is one place to host the standards that apply to a particular healthcare setting, provider […]